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Graphic Exchange



Vector-based files always work best to create large-format graphics and signage.

Graphics Supplied by Client
PDF files distilled at high resolution with fonts and graphics embedded are preferred as each individual graphic MUST be scaled to proper     size and dimension for final output/printing. In case of file corruption, be sure to include all mechanicals, support files, and fonts.

File Format Information
Where possible, use EPS or TIFF format. Although there are many graphic file formats to choose from, it is safest when printing to a PostScript device to use EPS for vector graphics and TIFF for raster/bitmap graphics. Vector graphics are object-oriented files which contain drawing instructions and are used by applications such as Illustrator or Corel Draw. (99.9% of logos fall into the "Vector" category) Fonts in these EPS files should be converted to “create outlines” or “convert to paths” this will eliminate the need to download the fonts for outputting. Raster graphics are bitmapped files such as scans or screen shots. For TIFF files, be sure to have the correct amount of data in the file for the line screen which will be printed (see Digital Image Specifications). Use an image-editing program such as Photoshop or Live Picture for TIFF files. Allow bleed for all graphics.

Other file formats are accepted:

►Adobe Photoshop: EPS (Raster Based), PSD, TIF/TIFF (PC/MAC)
►Adobe Illustrator: EPS (Vector based), .AI (PC/MAC)
►Adobe InDesign: (PC/MAC)

Minimum resolution of 150 dpi at final output size is required. Internet Graphics downloaded or saved from Web pages are not acceptable for print products. These graphics have low resolution images (usually 72 dpi), which are fine for screen display, but far below acceptable quality standards for print.

All work submitted for digital color should be in the CMYK (Cyan/Magenta/Yellow/Black) mode; which is required for the printing process. Authors must ensure that color saturation-color balance is correct before sending files. If an RGB (Red/Green/Blue) file is submitted, dramatic color shifts can occur when we convert to CYMK. Be aware that most desktop scanners, digital cameras, and video capture systems save files as RGB so it will be necessary for you to convert to CMYK. This can be accomplished in many ways, please consult your software manual for details. If your logo or graphics use Pantone colors, include the PMS color information.


Include your screen and printer fonts when sending PC files. All fonts used must be postscript. fonts. True Type fonts are not acceptable in a postscript environment. As a rule, always convert text to curves to eliminate font issues. If True Type fonts are used, they must be converted into pixels or outlines and the entire document saved as an EPS or TIFF.

Ensure your graphics are submitted in the correct dimensions and proportions. Include a sufficient amount of bleed.

Always supply a hard copy or digital proof of the artwork being submitted. This allows us to double-check the image.

Accepted Media and Transfer Methods
Graphic uploading (coming soon)





Please submit materials on time. If materials arrive late, we may not have enough time to notify you about problems and your graphic may be printed incorrectly. If you have any questions, please call and ask. If a graphic does not meet the required specifications, the graphic may not appear as you expect it. 

© 2014 TotalExpo Inc. All rights reserved.



1161 Sandhill Ave. Unit D

Carson, CA 90746-1323

Tel: 310.320.4203
Fax: 310.320.4265

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